Out of the Box and Into the Fire

18 04 2008

Unplugging from the matrix of left-wing dogma that thickly permeates the academy walls and television screens of today is no easy task. It’s easy to simply go with the flow of politics and stay comforted in the belief that your neighbors are guaranteed to consider you a moral human being that isn’t “setting human progress back”. And hiding within the confines of such ideological cages is made all the more easy under the guise of “freethought”, in other words, being free to think what you’re told you should. The freedom to escape from one confinement only to crawl into another. You can be christened the honor of being a “skeptic” without the realization that true skepticism is the questioning of everything, not just what a so-called “skeptic” tells you to question.

When you finally “unplug” and discover true freethought and skepticism, the world becomes a lot more frightening. Those who were once your allies turn on you, you have no guarantee of meeting others who are like-minded and tolerant, you begin seeing the damage in what you once thought was righteous, and you no longer have a path that you can trust and hold on to.

Except for the truth. And truth is no more than what the eye can see. Seldom does truth ever have a conclusion. Yet foregone conclusions are what we are brought up with; conclusions being masqueraded as truth. And few things in our lives are as indoctrinated with conclusions as gender.

Of course, we are told that these foregone conclusions are those of long-standing tradition, and that we are to question these traditions. Or at least, what we are told are the traditions. And in claiming skepticism of gender traditions, we are then asked to embrace what is considered to be the alternative: feminism. Which, in essence, is yet another foregone conclusion in and of itself.

What is feminism? Simply put, feminism is the desire for equality of the sexes under the belief that males are fundamentally advantaged over females, and that action must be taken to eliminate this. For those of us who have been indoctrinated with modern-day Western thought, such a goal may seem noble. It takes a fair bit of thinking outside the mainstream Liberal-Democratic box to realize the glaring fallacies of this goal.

Before we take feminist action, we must first be certain that feminist conclusions are truth. And in order for them to be truth, what is truth must lead to such conclusions and only such conclusions. Is this the case? Your average Liberal-Democratic education might have you think so, but one glance at the sheer diversity of conclusions, many of them greatly contradicting those that fall into the category of feminism, proves truth to be far more diverse than feminism can contain. And if feminism cannot contain wholly contain the truth, why rely on feminism to be the truth?

Feminism has no obligation to truth. Its only obligation is to feminism itself, which is the desire for equality of the sexes under the belief that males are fundamentally advantaged over females. If, by any chance, truth happens to contradict feminism, then one who follows feminism does not follow truth. One must make the decision to give priority either to feminism or to truth itself. The former would be a feminist, while the latter would not be.

The living conditions of women and men cannot be truthfully defined in an overall conclusion, because the sheer diversity and complexity in terms of individual exepriences and interpretations of these experiences cannot allow it. Such variation cannot allow for objective equality, for individuals will always possess different concepts of how different things can be considered equal. True equality can only be achieved through mass conformity. In other words, for society to be equal in the eyes of everyone, all individuals must be exactly the same, living the exact same lives. Nature proves this to be a fundamental impossibility. As long as biological and existential differences exist between the two sexes as well as individuals within the sexes, such attempts made to lead them toward such conformity will be rife with cognitive dissonance and strife.

If we are to achieve prosperity for the lives of women and men, both heterosexual and homosexual, cisgendered and transgendered, it is imperative that we break away from the dogmatic conclusions of feminism and work towards the benefit of individuals as we see and experience them, with eyes free of politicized lenses. Our concepts of gender must be freed of the gravity of feminism and become holistic. For gender is not solely for the feminist to own; it belongs to men as well as women, homemakers as well as working women, tough guys as well as sensitive guys etc. It belongs to the individual, as well as to the human race. Gender just is, and once we free ourselves of the blinders of gender politics we can finally work to help women and men as they are, not as we’re taught to see them through the ideology of gender politics.

It’s time to take the red pill.



4 responses

19 04 2008

To me, feminism is simply political piracy with the intent to gouge men in every way possible. All of that endless word-trickery re: “equality” is just another of their many, many little brain-scams.

Congrats on the new venture; looks like you’re off to a promising start. I shall add you to my links. . .

21 04 2008

An excellent article, indeed. I really enjoyed how you cut to the chase and addressed the truth vs. non-truth angle on feminism, and the overall “agenda” behind the socially palatable facade. Feminism, by its very definition, is female-ism. It is not about equality. If so, “equalism” would be far more apropos a title to take up, now wouldn’t it?

23 04 2008

Feminism, by its very definition, is female-ism. It is not about equality. If so, “equalism” would be far more apropos a title to take up, now wouldn’t it?

Ah, but see there’s the trick. If you believe that women are systematically beneath men, then any movement that either brings women up or brings men down could certainly seen as being about equality. The trick is to make you believe that this discrepancy objectively exists, and that there is no objective angle that could prove otherwise. And should it actually prove otherwise, well then feminism has certainly failed its noble claim, hasn’t it?

24 07 2009

I don’t know what to say except that you really know what you’re talking about. Will definitely be watching this blog.

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